Electric Barbershop

Electric Barbershop
3571 Main Street
Riverside, CA
Tel: 951-394-8805
URL: www.electricbarbershop.com

Ron Talley, the co-owner of Electric Barbershop, cuts a very good flattop. He is extremely meticulous and will not quit until it is perfect. He also LOVES cutting flattops. He works by appointment an allows one hour for each cut. While he was cutting my hair, we spent much of the time talking about flattops, how they are his favorite cut to do, and how he wishes he had more flattop clients. The shop has only been open 8 months, but is starting to catch on. He said he is pretty busy on Fridays and Saturdays, but not so much other days. I highly suggest you make and appointment and have Ron cut your hair if you want a terrific flattop experience.

Submitted 28 Sep 2017 by Flattopguy